Wednesday, February 8, 2017


Trump Triangulates Terrorists: and Wins.

Much has been made of the recent Executive Order restricting immigration from 7 countries a week ago, with outrage from the left immediately reaching apocalyptic levels, multiple lawsuits being filed, outraged statements from the floors of both Houses of Congress: even outrage from Great Britain and demands that an invitation for a State Visit to the UK be withdrawn with angry crowds protesting and petitioning the House of Commons to take up the matter, and the Speaker of the House of Commons breaking the traditional non partisan position taken by that Office, and speaking out against the State Visit.  It was a master stroke of triangulation and baiting of the loonie left by the Man who wrote The Art of the Deal.  In the end, it worked exactly as planned, and puts Trump in a no lose position.

Here is the Deal: Trump immediately staked out his initial negotiating position as an outrageous ban on Muslims immigrating from these 7 countries and having the audacity to include an exclusion for Christians: this enraged the loonie left: but to his fundamentalist Christian base Trump has in one stroke endeared himself forever more to his core constituents. Trump wins here by default.

The "Muslim ban" may be illegal, unconstitutional, morally reprehensible, done with actual malice, and destined to be struck down in whole or in part: but the fact is: Trump does not care a whit.  By staking this position out: he succeeded in fulfilling a campaign promise: and forced the opposition to take a position of supporting unimpeded immigration from the 7 countries whether actual vetting and identification of migrating refugees is possible or not: the reality being that the 7 are essentially failed states where it is impossible for the fractured, incompetent, and possibly corrupt national intelligence and vetting infrastructure in these failed states to exclude a terrorist or two from embedding themselves in the body of refugees:  

Trump has forced his opposition to demand that these potential terrorists be let in, a winning position for Trump, if in the future any radicalized Syrian, Somali, Iraqi, Iranian, Yemeni, Libyan, or Sudanese commits an act of terrorism and murders a single American: Trump will be able to say:  "See? .. I told you so. I told you not to relax this restriction on immigration of refugees from these 7 countries, and now you have blood on your hands, Mr. Bleeding Heart Liberal." Trump wins again.

However, the most cunningly diabolical aspect of the outrageous position is this:

For the same reason, his position has triangulated the potential terrorist, who now knows that if he or she DOES commit a heinous act of terrorism after having immigrated into the United States under a Liberal demanded relaxation of the Executive Order Muslim Ban. ( it isn't a muslim ban but so what, let's say it is)...  that he will indeed have fulfilled Trump's warning NOT to relax the restrictions on immigration and so the outrageous position will have the effect of DETERRING terrorist acts: the first terrorist act by one of these refugee immigrants will provide the emotional impetus and public outcry for reinstatment of the immigration ban into the foreseeable future and there will be no basis for the knee jerk liberal to object. Trump wins again

So with one stroke of the pen, Trump 1: endeared himself to his constituents 2: Baited his opposition into taking an Anti-American, Pro Foreign Terrorist position. and 3: Deterred the potential terrorist himself. 

It is called the Art of the Deal. 

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